D-6 to climate march


This weekend, a lot of events are taking place in different cities across the world and you can be part of it! Follow this link to find out what is happening close to you!

Reminder: the Kingston QBACC bus for the climate march in Ottawa on Sunday is 90% full so hurry up to book your seat on it 😉

If you believe that maintaining the citizen mobilizations during COP21 is absolutely essential, join the 19,887 people who think so too!

Finally, if you’re plannng on going to Paris for COP21, you may want to check out PlaceToB.

Take Action

Are you thinking of getting a credit card but you’d like to have a say in the type of investments your bank will make with your money? You might want to check out Community FDN of Canada. They’re all about investing locally in your community!

Tools can be so expensive and you don’t need to use them very often. Why not start a co-op tool share in your building / neighborhood / community?


Movies, Books, Music…

Have you heard of the movie Cowspiracy? Several people I know recommended it to me, and the reason why I haven’t seen it yet is because I’m waiting for the screening in the Kingston Hall Red room this Thursday (free vegetarian meal)!


“Dans une avalanche, aucun flocon ne se sent jamais responsable” – Stanislaw Jersy Lec

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